Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Re: a tale of three Presidents (Maduro,Chávez,Trump). By Eva Golinger

Maduro, Chávez y Trump: historia de tres presidentes

Maduro, Chávez and Trump: a tale of three Presidents

Read you article dearie, see if you can stomach my rebuttal. Yours fits the liberal talking points of course (so you had it hidden, awaiting..). Globovisión, El Nacional, Miami's yellow press, MSNBC, CNN, must glee, or irk at the coming competition. 🤣  Nikki Haley would be proud of the smear job, except for the anti-trump twist. You could even televise it on your weekly program or other. But consider: Nicolás doesn't repeat #MeToo and goes around chasing skirts or calling them horseface nor locks up kids in cages. You keep spinning the tale Maduro jumped at trump's calling at the UN, that's Goebbelsian. As I mentioned to you before, NM said he first knew about it when landing in JFK at 1 PM. But is it not opportune to even state the attempt on NM's life? Yes the same plotters who hatched the 2002 coup! As your article unabashedly demonstrates, the media campaign against the Venezuelan gov. has been fierce, so it stands to reason Maduro would want to go on an international forum to present his views. Yet you tweeted you only question his timing.. Well, what do you want him to do? To call up the UN and postpone the #UNGA until time has blown off or journalists as yourself feel is right? But you keep piling it on, in typical "American" or God forbid trumpesque lingo:  "Mr. Maduro returned to Venezuela easing of sanctions, no lessening of tensions.."  Boo loser, Maduro the flop! Get outta here you bum ya!  Easy for you to say gringa, but Maduro & team are trying against formidable obstacles.

The same IMF that projects a spike in Venezuela's inflation, is the same body which has caused it globally, take even Argentina today. As you lament the inflation, it is then no coincidence the omission of the Gran Misión Vivienda Venezuela, a lifeline of more than 2 million affordable homes. If you or the IMF solely blame Maduro for the economic crisis, then you should likewise praise trump for the U.S.'s stride.. Of course Venezuelans are suffering, THAT'S WHAT SANCTIONS ARE FOR, as official william brownfield recently admitted (have you contacted your U.S. legislators against such actions?). Precisely why Miraflores recently excluded the US dollar as an option in its currencies exchange. Among other falsities include:  "..the Petro is largely considered a swindle by financial experts.." Can you source any of those experts? (Alex Tapscott, co-founder of the Blockchain Research Institute?)  That Wired article mentions Iran and Russia as also considering their own cryptocurrencies (although it says they're fiat..) and explains it as natural of authoritarian regimes.. Not so of course with the U.S. dollar which depended on feudalistic Saudi Arabia to sell its oil in such a fiat, the petrodollar! Remember, RT's very own Max Keiser has lauded Venezuela's effort at the cryptocurrency. Additionally, it was Chávez who coined the term of the petro as an alternate currency back in 2009.

Recent reports from the United Nations show a huge migration of Venezuelans overwhelming the region? The UN you must know has different departments and some issue reports without authority. ACNUR officially just reported out of the 65 thousand refugees in Ecuador, 98% are Colombians.. Why don't ya mention either Alfred de Zayas' findings which refute the claim of a humanitarian crisis? Yet you parrot:  "..Like Mr. Trump, Mr. Maduro thrives on deception, exaggeration and lies. He denies a humanitarian crisis exists in Venezuela and blames the United States for his own mess. "  Can you add in that blacklist of decepticons quite a few journalists (palangristas)? From such a subjective evaluation of politics, no wonder the fascist right has gained so much ground in the U.S., Europe, and Latin America (i.e. Brazil). If the outside wants to help Venezuela, then let them start by lifting sanctions and we'll clearly see what works and doesn't. Patriotic phrases as "..Washington should focus on our own budding kleptocracy instead of another aspiring autocrat.." doesn't translate to an inspiring progressive stance. I'll tell you further why: if trump himself for campaign reasons has accused the Democrats of wanting to transform the U.S. into a socialist Venezuela, it is clear to me he sees Maduro more akin to them, the Democrats, than to himself, which is the same reason why according to Woodward's book, Trump discussed assassinating Syria's Assad. If he's entertaining a dialog with Kim Jong-un it is only because he has nuclear weapons, and the U.S. has a bigger external debt... To paraphrase your words:  It is the people who must hold their leaders, (or talking heads), to account through conscientious participation, in order to dissuade the dangers of pervasive corruption.

You say you were a close confidante of Señor Chávez (congratulations on your new book). Now miss, would you then deduce Chávez didn't really know Maduro that well as yourself? Or rather he knew Maduro from way back but not really you.. You see, you present a false dichotomy between Chávez and Maduro. We are not talking about clones, and conditions are different (internal & external). To contrapose that Chávez won in landslide elections doesn't make Maduro illegitimate. Especially if during his tenure oil prices dropped, the U.S. blockade tightened, and the internal "Guerra Económica" increased (i.e. currency smuggling, food hoarding, etc). You applaud Chávez pardoned many of his adversaries.. And Maduro hasn't? Many Venezuelans feel he's been kinda soft, way too, with opponents (i.e. julio borges, luisa ortega) and the business class. Ok, so you grant Maduro & Chávez' inner circle were loyal but not competent. Bear in mind, much of that stride during Chávez was also achieved with the same people in gov't now. Your article links to biased news sources to somehow prove Maduro's gov't is illegitimate. The regimes that claim this are mostly from the U.S.-dependent Lima Group. Funny how you won't make the same criticism towards Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua (to a point..), since they don't toe the line of that hideous lackey Lima Group. And by the way, you could add further addendums to your article, recently Spanish Minister Josep Borrell stated the European Union is open to a dialog with Miraflores. Let's see how that goes. Could the recent substitution of the dollar for the euro in the Dicom have something to do with it?  Smartmatic (based in London) made that voting rigging claim, yet their representatives left Venezuela before the 2017 ANC election. They didn't coordinate with the CNE, supplied equipment, nor the follow-up audit. The CNN piece even says: "..Smartmatic is a technology support company and wouldn't have access to the final vote numbers.."  So how can they hold a press conference and make fraud claims?  Topping it off you finish with:  "..Just like Mr. Trump, Mr. Maduro thrives in a parallel world of lies and fantastical chicanery. Unlike Venezuela, the United States still has time to reverse the slippery slope to authoritarianism.."  Yeah yeah sure if you say it, it must be absolutely true. The U.S. has time to turn the tide of despotism (November mid-terms are coming and Mueller will disclose trump investigation after) but Venezuela has hopelessly lost its toilet paper!

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