Saturday, January 14, 2017

The following link is a clip from michael savage's January 13, 2017 show, from 26:35 to 31:50 in minutes precisely.

Savage Nation 01-13-17; socialism-communism

Savage's claims in italics, and my counterpoints following in parentheses and bold letters.

1-  Where will the money come from if the wealthy people stop producing?  (Well Mike, you should be proud then of Obahma instead of lambasting him at every corner cuz precisely under his tenure inequality has soared! For the most part, the rich acquire their wealth from the surplus value of labor, from inheritance, government collusion, not so much from getting their hands dirty, if at all).
Yeah, The Art of the Steal alright, or buying cheap Chinese steel...  🎮 🎲 🎩

2- Where has communism work where people work together?  (Venezuela is not communist michael! The bourgeoisie there control most of the means of production, distribution, media, which gives'em blackmailing leverage. Hugo Chavez wasn't a dictator, he won elections after elections. Argentina isn't communist or socialist either. With the neoliberal puppet there now, president mauricio macri, poverty, unemployment, discontent has increased! Are you in bed with the U.S. liberal media con-man alan by not reporting that either?)

3-  Communist nations produce starvation and always have.  (most of the world is capitalist you know, and misery abounds. The Holodomor in Ukraine back in the 30s for example was exacerbated by the rich Kulaks by ways of price gouging & destroying supply.. Before the Russian Revolution, the country was mostly feudal yet within a few decades it industrialized, so much that it defeated German Nazism and its Western backers. The Soviet bureaucracy eventually sold out officially in 1991 without consulting the people, misery ensued. Most Russians were worse off afterwards, than during the Soviet era. Got that mike?)

4-  Sanders is a phony and much worse than Trump.  (Partly agree Sanders is not a socialist/communist in the radical sense, his programs were not about nationalizing industries and banking. But you think or believe mike that trump is not a phony, with his hawkish appointees and all? Wake up and smell the coffee. But with Sanders though, polls showed he would've beaten the donald! Many abstained from voting out of disgust for both hillary and trump)

5-  Pure communism hasn't worked in North Korea.  (the caller, Mark, even follows michael's game by calling socialist leaders dictators.. Who knows if he is even a shill caller? But let's say he's for real. Communism is an advanced stage no country has ever reached, it requires a world system mike. North Korea suffers from Western sanctions did you forget? Despite that, it has made significant advances in industry, housing, military, etc. But look, it's your show noble savage and you distort subjects at your $pon$ored will.) 

6-  In every case where the people lose the power over the government, dictatorships arise.  (precisely the case in the United States alan weiner with its corporate lobbyists! Who has the largest prison population? the police killings of civilians? most homeless? It seems to me, trump or a certain sector of the ruling elite, want to amend ties with Russia now only because they lost the war in Syria, and in reverse to nixon's 70s policy, as a wedge between Russia, China, and Iran...) 

7-  ¿Are you a man who has been disappointed in life... asks godfather Savage.  (so all the disappointed souls out there turn communist saint michael? Those sore losers huh donald savage. Most communists turn so by investigating, and from experiencing the ravages of capitalism [i.e. Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin, Rosa Luxemburg, Eugene V. Debs, Paul Robeson, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Evo Morales, etc] ) 

Controlling small-services aren't worth a dime Michael. That's a dogmatic textbook scarecrow notion of communism. True socialism would be geared towards among other things controlling the financial sector & foreign trade, large & medium corporations, large landlords. Either through worker-controlled state enterprises and cooperatives. That's instead The Thing you two-bit demagogue. Wouldn't you know it, you claim socialism would interfere in every bit of private property, yet it is your boy donald who threatens to punish corporations who outsource overseas! Oh, but that's right, he'll cut their taxes even more & slash regulations as incentives, while increasing the military...  But don't worry you wouldn't be touched in a revolution, you would be comedic relief, but perhaps not as well-paid. The Castros dictators as you call'em, have never engaged in illegal executions, disappearances, as rather U.S. henchmen (clients 😆) have (i.e. Operation Condor in Latin America, Operation Phoenix in Vietnam, Indonesian mass killings circa 1965–66 against communists and others, and still today in Mexico!) If the people in Cuba are suffering it is mainly due to the illegal, extraterritorial, U.S. blockade. Capitalism did not bring democracy or prosperity to Cuba. A socialist revolution did after 1959! In essential aspects as education, sports, arts, life expectancy, housing, employment, street crime reduction, solidarity overseas, etc. The "free-market" before 1959 kept many in dire poverty, while The Mafia & U.S. and national capitalists looted the place. After 1959, land, private land, was given to small farmers for the first time, and for the first time they had access to schooling and medical care. The economic reforms today are a continuation of previous changes. They were thought out democratically by millions of workers and farmers, unthinkable in capitalist U.S.A., Europe, and Japan! Don't start what you can't finish mike alan weiner. Sensible answers sometimes require a lengthy discussion and not sound-bites interrupted by stupid commercials. Upgrade, tune-up, your leaky mindset, if it ain't too late already. 

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