Sunday, June 18, 2023

More economic & social themes

A few keywords (search button → can also be used) : socialismo, mercado, Cuba, socialist countries, heroes, poverty, trauma, sleep, housing, rents, Airbnb, alquileres, habits, bitcoin, credit card debt, inflation, jobs, student debt, student loan, gun control, Simón Bolívar, democracy, learning, artificial intelligence, empty offices, Leonard Lopate, home prices, Jared Bernstein, dollar, jury duty, bankruptcies, U.S. hospitals, conservatism, political violence, WWIII, Tulsi Gabbard, Mehdi Hasan, right-wing extremism, health care, prisons, fascismo, psychology, ritual, mental illness, exonerations 
Cuadrando la caja 09-4-23; economista cubano José Luis Rodríguez
Duración de clip:   15:32 mins / segs

Fuente original completa:     

La historia económica del socialismo, su relación con el mercado, las particularidades de #Cuba, los desafíos que ha enfrentado y enfrenta y las posibles estrategias para superarlos están entre los temas abordados.
Cuadrando la caja 30-10-23; socialismo vs neoliberalismo en Cuba

Jerónimo, el ‘tiktoker’ que habla de marxismo
Sep 20, 2020

El 5 de agosto de 1895 falleció, Friedrich Engels, pensador socialista. 
A 125 años de su muerte su legado reflejado en sus profundos y analíticos libros aún sigue vigente.
Aug 5, 2020
By way of Twitter someone saw the pic below (not mines) in Instagram.
It reads         ◺  :
My boss arrived at work in a new Lamborghini.
And I said:    Wow, that’s an outstanding car!”
He answered:      “If you work sufficiently hard, dedicate all your hours and exert yourself to reach excellence, I’ll have another one next year!

Cuadrando la caja 7-24-23; economía cubana, ¿un problema ideológico
Mueblería en Cuba de Manuel Milanés y sus testaferros

Empresarios privados de Cuba piden a Biden cumplir con apoyo prometido
11 mayo 2023
.."Es incomprensible e inhumano que en medio de una crisis económica" como la que enfrenta Cuba, el gobierno de Biden continúe con "las políticas crueles y fallidas" de su antecesor Donald Trump (2027-2021) contra la isla, dice la carta entregada al mandatario estadounidense..         ..Los empresarios se desmarcaron así de compañías estatales que han sido objeto de sanciones por parte de Washington, entre ellas las administradas por militares cubanos..       ..Los dueños de negocios privados piden a Estados Unidos que reestablezca en La Habana la emisión de visados de no inmigrante para poder viajar y adquirir directamente los suministros que requieren para sus negocios..
Manuel David Orrio-  Cuba, el dilema y la campaña contra El toque

.. Sin embargo, en vez de combatir a El Toque con la ciencia económica – si es posible – mediante medidas de gobierno que efectivamente reduzcan o eliminen la inflación y la informalidad cambiaria, o por medio de prensa o presencia en redes sociales que esclarezcan al ciudadano; lo que se ha hecho y se está haciendo es intentar una desacreditación mediante propaganda; particularmente se insiste en ese carácter «enemigo» y se pretende desautorizar la cienticifidad de los reportes de El Toque respecto a la tasa de cambio informal. ..      .. Conducido por la doctora en Ciencias Filosóficas Marxlenin Pérez Valdés, el del 24 de marzo trató sobre la macroeconomía; en éste participaron el doctor en Ciencias Económicas José Luis Rodríguez ..

La historia no contada detrás de los operadores del Toque
8 mayo 2024
.. El objetivo final de Estados Unidos con El Toque es disminuir el gasto público en Cuba, afectar la producción nacional y promover la dolarización de la economía cubana. ..      .. Surge la pregunta de por qué la OFAC no sanciona a los responsables de El Toque por esta manipulación contraria a los estatutos internacionales, considerando que la plataforma es operada por cubanos en el exterior. La inflación inducida es una estrategia de guerra utilizada por la Comunidad de Inteligencia de Estados Unidos, que ha sido empleada anteriormente contra Nicaragua, Argentina y Venezuela.   .. 
Before Trump was anti-Cuba, he wanted to open a hotel in Havana
April 16, 2018
.. Relations between the United States and Cuba have grown tense under the Trump administration, which tightened economic sanctions against the Communist Caribbean island in 2017. “We do not want U.S. dollars to prop up a military monopoly that exploits and abuses the citizens of Cuba,” Trump declared in June 2017. “We will enforce the ban on tourism. We will enforce the embargo.” Those who follow Cuba-U.S. relations closely, as I have for 40 years, may recall that Trump has not always been so antagonistic toward Havana. Back when he was a real estate mogul, he was happy to overlook the embargo – twice, in fact – for a chance to open a Trump-branded hotel or golf resort in Cuba. In September 2016, when Trump was the Republican presidential candidate, Newsweek magazine revealed that in 1998, Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts hired a consulting firm to explore business opportunities on the island.  ..

Donald Trump registró en 2008 su marca comercial en Cuba para invertir en hoteles, casinos, bienes raíces y otras actividades
23 de septiembre de 2020
Fidel Castro says U.S. still owes Cuba many millions of dollars in damages
Aug. 14, 2015
✔  What an opening salvo by senior writer Erin McClam !         ◺
Fidel Castro doesn’t exactly sound ready to embrace the new spirit of openness with the United States.
To mark his 89th birthday, the former revolutionary and Cuban president lashed out at his longtime adversary in an essay that invoked the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki…          ..He also complained about President Richard Nixon’s removal of the U.S. dollar from the gold standard in 1971… 
Russia calls on US to compensate Cuba amid escalating global tensions
..US's economic, commercial, and financial blockade on Cuba have, according to Volodin, inflicted colossal damage, amounting to an estimated $159 billion..
✔  “Hispanic” commercial media in the U.S. won’t say jack of course, outta sight outta mind, following along their tried and true blasted mottoes.        ◺

Russia writes off $32bn Cuban debt in show of brotherly love
10 Jul 2014

 Eliades 31-10-23; Palestina, Cuba - ofensiva revolucionaria 1968
Pensar la Historia con Eliades Acosta. 
Eliades 01-11-23; Gaza, bloqueo-ONU, ISIS, Cuba-ofensiva revolucionaria 1968
Eliades 17-10-23; Gaza, Filadelfia, capitalismo & guerras
From a 1986 study:
..compared capitalist and socialist countries
in measures of the physical quality of life (PQL), taking into account
the level of economic development. The World Bank was the
principal source of statistical data..
..However, at the same level of economic devel-
opment, the socialist countries showed more favorable out-
comes than the capitalist countries in all these measures. The
more favorable performance of the socialist countries was
evident in each of the 18 comparisons that could be made…

¿Can we condition ourselves to be heroes- Robert Sapolsky           ,02-6-23

Homeless population across U.S. on the rise- Wall Street Journal review         ,6-21-23

Why your brain creates trauma- Lisa Feldman Barrett        ,7-06-23
Why the U.S. can’t end poverty          ,3-07-23
The big lie about sleep
When it comes to slumber, what matters most is how rich you are. ..
May 30, 2024
..  Researchers have found that stress is one of the strongest indicators of poor sleep. Economic stress, in particular: Americans in poverty report getting the least amount of sleep. In a 2022 survey, 87% of Americans polled said they lost sleep worrying about their finances. And in a 2020 study, 13% of newly unemployed people said they got four hours of sleep or less a night, half of what the average employed person gets. In counties where about half the population doesn't get enough sleep, many of which are in Alabama, unemployment rates are twice as high as the US average, and median household incomes hover around $35,000.   ..

Joseph Stiglitz- COVID has made global inequality much worse
March 1, 2022
Preview- Vladimir Putin reveals what he admires about America
Where thousands of tech workers went after mass layoffs         ,8-02-23
Decoded 9-07-23; Is AI the end of human supremacy?
A.I. ‐ Humanity's final invention?

"Mass assassination factory": Israel using AI to generate targets in Gaza, increasing civilian toll

Artificial intelligence outperforms the average human in a creative thinking test
October 9, 2023
..However, it’s important to note that while AI chatbots performed exceptionally well, they did not consistently outperform the best human performers. In some cases, highly creative individuals among the human participants were able to compete with AI in generating novel and imaginative responses..
The arc of creativity
November 1, 2023
..In the digital age, creativity expanded beyond the realm of individual minds to become a communal venture, facilitated by the unprecedented connectivity of the internet. The concept of "open source," epitomized by platforms like GitHub, allows coders from around the world to contribute to a single project, effectively decentralizing the creative process. Similarly, the rise of social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube has democratized artistic expression, allowing anyone with a smartphone to become a content creator..
✔  I don't have a Facebook account, never have, but I found this cute meme on someone's FB  which I subscribe to in his YouTube channel.          ◺

 New technique based on 18th-century mathematics shows simpler AI models don't need deep learning
October 5, 2023
..They also found that classical training algorithms that date back 50 years work better than the more recently popular techniques. Their simpler approach advances green IT and is easier to use and understand. The recent success of artificial intelligence is significantly based on the use of one core technique: deep learning. Deep learning refers to artificial intelligence techniques where networks with a large number of data processing layers are trained using massive datasets and a substantial amount of computational resources..
Neuromorphic computing research: Team proposes hardware that mimics the human brain
November 6, 2023
The dark side of competition in AI | Liv Boeree
TED              ,11-09-23

AI is dangerous, but not for the reasons you think | Sasha Luccioni
TED              ,11-06-23
Upgrade (2018), written & directed by Leigh Whannell
One of the best sci-fi thrillers you've never seen gets a second life on Netflix
May 22, 2024

Instant evolution: AI designs new robot from scratch in seconds
October 2, 2023
..But the AI program is not just fast. It also runs on a lightweight personal computer and designs wholly novel structures from scratch. This stands in sharp contrast to other AI systems, which often require energy-hungry supercomputers and colossally large datasets. And even after crunching all that data, those systems are tethered to the constraints of human creativity—only mimicking humans' past works without an ability to generate new ideas..
It looks like AI will kill quantum computing
A slice of New York 12-20-23; AI 101
El Mapa 10-11-23; EE.UU regula la IA en su guerra tecnológica contra China
A national security insider does the math on the dangers of AI
Apr 23, 2024
Jason Matheny, CEO of the influential think tank Rand Corporation, says advances in AI are making it easier to learn how to build biological weapons and other tools of destruction.   ..

Leonard Lopate 3-27-24; Max Bennett- evolution, artificial intelligence
(1 hour podcast)
La inteligencia artificial desde una perspectiva marxista, con Rubén Zardoya

Por esto la IA lo va a cambiar todo: la productividad ya se dispara en los últimos 4 años

 En Negocios TV    comenté lo siguiente :
Lo sorprendente, para mí, es que a pesar del aumento de esa productividad como fruto de la IA, concurrente la inflación sigue siendo alta… Dudo que dicha productividad se deba solo a la IA, otros factores juegan un papel, por lo menos en U$A, e.g. poco desempleo, demanda debido al aumento salarial… En fin, desajustes sistémicos en la toma de decisiones dentro del capitalismo.        ◺
Evictions skyrocket as rising rents squeeze low-income Americans             ,6-24-23
Price inflation, i.e. food, energy, etc, is seen as harmful by corporate media pundits (and objectively it is, specially to lower-income earners), but then the corporate pundits turn around and celebrate whenever house prices climb… What gives? Inflation bad yet housing inflation good?        ◺

The US has an empty office building problem. Here's what landlords are doing about it
CNN           ,6-27-23
NYC kicks off plan to rezone Midtown, turn offices to houses
August 17, 2023
New York City is rolling out a plan to convert vacant offices into as many as 20,000 new housing units by creating a multi-agency group to help developers cut through red tape and rezoning a section of Manhattan known as Midtown South…
Biden administration encouraging conversion of empty offices to affordable housing
October 27, 2023
..Several of the new measures will be designed to specifically encourage the creation of new affordable housing units near transportation hubs like bus terminals and subway stations..        ..Buttigieg said that “over $35 billion in lending capacity” will be made available to provide below-market rate loans to finance both new housing construction and office conversions near transportation hubs..         ..The Department of Transportation is also releasing new guidance to make it easier for transit agencies to transfer unused properties or buildings to local governments or nonprofit organizations for conversion into affordable housing..          ..These programs include low-interest loans, loan guarantees, grants and tax incentives for developers..

✔ Palisades Center mall.  ↓                                        ↓ Palisades Center mall.
Barnes & Noble,                                                            Ice skating rink.
military history section.                                                  8-18-23, 4:32 PM
8-18-23, 3:53 PM

Creditors come after Palisades Center mall in court, seek foreclosure. What's at stake
Feb. 17, 2023
..Even before the mall opened in 1998, the company had challenged its tax assessment..         ..Among the largest malls in the nation.. 
These are the top five landlords in NYC
August 20 2021
..Columbia University is the largest landowner in New York City by the number of addresses and manages over 5,000 apartments across 150 residential buildings. While made up of mostly students, renters are overwhelmingly happy with the buildings’ affordability and the attentiveness of management..
Airbnb no protege a sus huéspedes de las cámaras ocultas: esto es lo que revela una investigación
How banning Airbnbs can decrease rent in your city
Nov 8, 2023
..The crackdown was a turning point. Despite legal challenges and histrionics from landlords, the city had all but vanquished short-term rentals. The thinking behind the move was fairly simple:
New York City, where the average studio apartment costs $3,016 a month, is the epicenter of the country's sweeping affordable-housing crisis. By turning Airbnbs back into long-term housing, people will have more places to lay their heads and landlords will have more competition. In theory, this should make housing in the city more affordable. ..
Impacto Económico Matutino | Mundo mercado inmobiliario en crisis
La crisis de vivienda que actualmente atraviesa el mundo por la inflación. 
( Airbnb , Grecia, China )

✔ Contrast vid above with  →  Arnie Arnesen 8-29-24; China demographics, immigration, racism       

Aprueban el aumento de la renta estabilizada en la Ciudad de Nueva York
18 de junio 2024
La junta de la Ciudad de Nueva York votó a favor de aumentar los alquileres en un 2.75% en arrendamientos de un año y un 5.25% en arrendamientos de dos años.

Home prices rose for the fifth straight month in June
August 29, 2023
..Cities with the most price appreciation in June, year over year, were Chicago, up 4.2%; Cleveland, up 4.1%; and New York, up 3.4%. The same three cities also saw the most appreciation in May..       ..The report showed the power of historically low inventory on home prices, which maintained strength despite ongoing affordability challenges, said Hannah Jones, economic data analyst at Low inventory is pushing prices higher because so few homeowners want to sell their home and give up their ultra-low mortgage rate of 3% or 4% to buy another home at 6% or 7%...       ..Limited home inventory, still-high prices and elevated mortgage rates meant that both new and existing home sales fell in June, though new home sales remained well above the previous year’s level,” said Jones…
Home building sank in August amid crushing mortgage rates
September 19, 2023
..It was the lowest level since June 2020..        ..But, looking ahead, builders are still requesting permits for new residential construction..        ..Permits were still 2.7% lower than a year ago..
Leonard Lopate 4-16-24; Victoria Newhouse, Margery Perlmutter- housing & inequality
(1 hour podcast )
Where home prices are most overvalued in the U.S.
May 14, 2024

Denmark made home buying easier. America should follow its lead
May 29, 2024

How Trump's business in New York could be affected by fraud ruling
Who is Jared Bernstein, new chief White House economist?
Feb 14, 2023
.. where Republicans are expected to grill him over inflation and Biden's proposed billionaire tax. Bernstein, who played the double bass in jazz bands and worked as a social worker in New York City, has long been a voice for progressive economic policy. He served in the Labor Department under former President Bill Clinton and then as Biden's chief economist when he was vice president. At the Economic Policy Institute, a Washington think tank, he wrote and testified to Congress extensively on the shrinking U.S. middle class, a bedrock Biden theme.   ..      .. U.S. business groups worry that Bernstein's labor ties and anti-free trade stance could hamper efforts to bolster trade ties with other countries. "He represents the status quo which is not to have a robust trade promotion agenda or more free trade agreements," said Doug Barry, former spokesman for the U.S.-China Business Council. 
Finding the money’, the documentary that has DC power brokers on edge
September shake-up: Bitcoin's dip & what's next for crypto | insights & predictions

✔  H’m, there’s much to cover here and not easy to given all the technical & historical complexities which can take a lot of time.
I’m in agreement with Casey on some and not on others. For example, at 9:38 she equates Argentina’s inflation (there’s been different periods) to that of Venezuela’s. It’s a false comparison given that in Venezuela (especially after Chavez passed away in 2013) many merchants & importers speculated & hoarded merchandise despite receiving dollars from the central bank for imports. Similar thing happened when Salvador Allende’s government was overthrown in 1973 with backing from the CIA. Venezuela’s inflation right now has fallen dramatically and it has one of the fastest rising economies. Argentina on the hand with the libertarian darling Javier Milei, has the highest inflation in the world, mass poverty, but he’s loved by the U.S. !
At 11:13 she correctly states is a system of control, likewise at 12:30 that the financial system is a rigged game, yet at 12:49 states that politics is a distraction, a fugazi (slang term for fakery), all propaganda… Of course, much in politics is smoke & mirrors, but so is finance & trading. It’s no wonder then that the big boys spend a lot of moola in lobbying (influencing legislation). At 11:14 she says taxation is theft, but fails to differentiate between regressive taxation (payroll taxes, sales taxes, etc) & progressive taxation (sales tax on luxury goods, inheritance tax, etc ). For example, notable economists as Thomas Piketty & Robert H. Frank have pointed out that decreased progressiveness in U.S. tax policy after World War II has increased income inequality. Another thing, I don’t believe the Federal Reserve system by itself is the reason for the economic distress, far from it, many factors at play. Way before its creation in 1913, there were many bank & stock market crashes, such as the Panic of 1907 which convinced many for the need to establish a central banking system. Many like Casey are against capital controls, but the creation of the Federal Reserve gave it control to regulate inflation, though far from ideal… It also facilitated the internationalization of the U.S. dollar as a global currency… Internally, it also permitted national banks to make mortgage loans for farm land, which had not been permitted prior.
In what I most agree with Casey and others of similar persuasion is that the U.S. dollar it’s in for a rocky road. Again, due to many motives, principally perhaps for weaponizing its global currency to blackmail others to do its bidding. I’ll cite one example : Venezuela is due to join the BRICS this year, which is why Uncle Sam in a race against history is playing hardball to delegitimize the Venezuelan government. Venezuela by the way has the largest proven oil reserves in the world, alongside MANY minerals NEEDED for industry. The BRICS members are dumping each time more of the U.S. dollar, and creating separate banking infrastructures which are not the West-dominated SWIFT.     ✌️       ◺

Se cumplen 3 años desde cuando el gobierno salvadoreño adoptó el Bitcoin como moneda de curso legal
En el Salvador este mes se cumplen 3 años que el gobierno salvadoreño adoptó el Bitcoin como moneda de curso legal, la apuesta del gobierno de que la criptomoneda mejoraría la economía de los salvadoreños parece que no se cumplió, a la par del dólar. Las expectativas parecen haberse desvanecido, ya que hoy en día el uso de la criptomoneda es mínimo.

 George Yeo - U.S. dollar hegemony pushes the world to find an alternative
Some of America's richest people are just not paying their taxes — and millionaires alone could owe up to $34 billion
Oct 4, 2023
The average American taxpayer pays $16,615 in income taxes annually — but for some of the wealthiest Americans, that number is zero. That's because they're simply not paying up.
IRS data requested and released by Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, the chair of the Senate Committee on Finance, shows that over 10,000 high earners making at least $200,000 a year owed at least $100,000 each in unfiled taxes going back to tax year 2017…

✔  Buildings & skyline by Brooklyn Bridge & City Hall #4, 5, 6 trains station, Centre Street
(notice “smoke from tower” cloud formation at left.. ), 9-19-23        ↓         Haven't been in this area in years...

1 Centre Street building, vaults, 9-19-23


From Warren St. & Church St., looking toJenga stack”  "blue-blend"  building in background (56 Leonard st. ), 9-19-23


56 Leonard Street (known colloquially as the Jenga Building[2] or Jenga Tower[3] ) is an 821 ft-tall (250 m), 57-story[1] skyscraper on Leonard Street in the neighborhood of Tribeca in Manhattan, New York City. The building was designed by the Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron, which describes the building as "houses stacked in the sky."[4] It is the tallest structure in Tribeca.[5]
NY juror information - questions and answers (FAQ's)

Demystifying jury duty answers to common questions about serving in New York State courts
February 24, 2024
..  individuals with felony convictions are generally disqualified from serving on a jury. However, this ban has been challenged by the New York Civil Liberties Union, which argues that it disproportionately affects Black residents and violates the Constitution.   ..
Lo que vas a descubrir hoy hará cambiar tu vida             ,05-02-23
The secret habits that control your life- Wendy Wood        ,5-26-22
2023 credit card debt statistics
July 17th, 2023

Fewer jobs than expected added to U.S. economy in June            ,7-08-23
Economy to see negative impact after SCOTUS strikes down student-debt relief
Jun 30, 2023
..With inflation still historically high, many experts are worried that a spending slowdown could portend a broader economic slowdown and possible recession..

What the end of Biden's student debt relief plan means for the wider economy
June 30, 2023
As millions of borrowers start making payments again, that money will be directed away from consumer goods, and retailers could see sales cut by as much as 2%, economists say…

What Supreme Court ruling against Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan could mean for the U.S. economy
Jun 30, 2023
..For example, more than 40 million Americans have student loan debt, while about 287 million do not, said Tim Quinlan, senior economist at Wells Fargo Economics..

As recession threatens, Supreme Court student loan forgiveness ruling may hurt the economy
June 30, 2023   
..Under Biden’s blueprint, about 26 million Americans would have had more than $400 billion in student debt wiped out. Some borrowers would have seen up to $20,000 of their obligations erased..
Biden admin to wipeout billions in student loans        ,7-15-23
Biden cancels $9B in student loan debt; other borrowers struggle to reach loan servicers

2023 student loan debt statistics; average student loan debt
Jul 16, 2023
U.S. national debt hits $33 trillion for the first time
Sep 19 2023
The US economy grew at a blistering rate despite high interest rates
October 26, 2023
..The US economy’s strength isn’t expected to continue, as it faces a number of headwinds, including soaring bond yields and the resumption of student loan repayments. ..         ..Fed Chair Jerome Powell has said the US central bank needs to see “below-trend growth” to be assured that inflation is on track to slow to 2%, the Fed’s inflation target, since red-hot demand could be putting some upward pressure on prices. ..         ..In addition to the resumption of student loan repayments this month and soaring yields, the United States is also dealing with trillions of dollars in federal debt, two ongoing wars, and the possibility of a government shutdown next month. …
Bankruptcies on the rise following end of COVID relief measures and high-interest rates
Dec. 18, 2023


Wheeler Av. (Amadou Diallo Place) & Westchester Av., The Bronx, 9-12-23        
Refrán:   Árbol que crece torcido, su tronco jamás se endereza.”

Child poverty in the US jumped and income declined in 2022 as coronavirus pandemic benefits ended
September 12, 2023
..In a statement, President Joe Biden blamed congressional Republicans for failing to extend the enhanced child tax credit and vowed to restore it..        ..Opponents objected to extending the credit out of concern that the money would discourage people from working and that any additional federal spending would fuel inflation, which climbed to a 40-year high...
Why pharmacy workers are going on strike amid widespread store closures
Why U.S. hospitals are closing at an alarming rate
Infant mortality rate increases 3% in 2022, rising for 1st time in 2 decades: CDC
November 1, 2023

Why the rate of single men in the US looking for dates has declined
Oct 17, 2023

Have Republicans lost their last grip on reality?               ,10-14-23
2:00 – 2:42   “..the Putin faction..wants America to resemble Hungary, Russia.. Russian trolls and propaganda..”  5:45 – 6:42   “..the Putinification of the Republican party.. do away with social welfare state of America.. social media is the weapon Putin is using..     Russia is able to outspend the West in social media Tom? Really ? Haven’t you said the U.S. has enough moolah to budget both the war in Ukraine and equip IsraelWith enough wiggle room also to stir up a  splendid little war  on China with Taiwan one can add...      ◺       7:40  “..Republicans are taking money from the gun industry..”    ✔  Are those Russki or Amerikun guns Tommy?       ◺       9:40 – 11:01   “..U.S. Supreme Court in 2010 voting to decriminalize bribery of politicians (Citizens United).. the deciding vote in that was Clarence Thomas..”   ✔  Hey THC don’t be hating, perhaps Clarence is a fun party animal to be around..  Toga toga !   TomTom plays the blame Putin card for all evils but then points the finger at the “Reagan revolution”  7:538:10 …      
The dark roots of modern conservatism               ,10-15-23

✔  I commented the following in Majority Report's YouTube post, the moderator did permit it :
No no no, you’re both wrong, the dark roots of modern U.S. conservatism are Putin / Orbán. They’re an evil time traveling organizing duo ! Wait, or is it the other way around?...  
🎶   I’m a Bircher  we’re Birchers, wouldn’t you like to be a belcher too ?       🎵 
In April 1947, Joseph Stalin told visiting U.S. Republican politician Harold Stassen that he and Franklin Roosevelt never indulged in the name-calling game of “totalitarians” v. “monopoly capitalists.”..    Conservative historian Paul Kengor wrote in Dupes: How America’s adversaries have manipulated progressives for a century :     “..FDR’s appraisal of Stalin was one of the most naïve assessments of any major foreign leader in the history of the American presidency...”          
¿The great demise of American democracy
✔   2:34 On the issue of “oligarchic” Russian-”state run” media spewing out fake news versus the West’s “democratic marketplace of ideas”, Thom yomps muddying the waters. This is why:
Some years ago he hosted a program on Russian media called “The big picture with Thom Hartmann”. It aired in YouTube, cable, satellite, from the RT America news network... Thom co-produced the program, retaining full editorial control of programming, and RT provided studio and carriage. Hosted it for 7 years until 9/29/17.  RT network by that time had been dropped or close to, by various providers at the behest of the U.S. federal government. Ukraine, Europe, also followed suit banning RT coverage. Microsoft removed it from their app store in 2022.   RT had the largest viewership in YouTube
So what was Thom doing in RT if he vehemently disagrees with the Kremlin? He wasn’t censored by it.  Isn’t it two-faced in his part?  Was he duped into being a “useful idiot” by conniving “KGB boss” Vlad' Putin?   3:20  He considers the public broadcasting in the U.S. as largely independent of the government, while in Russia and Hungary as not being the case… The media in the U.S. actually is divided between two capitalist factions, the neoliberal and the neoconservative, each self-serving depending on domestic & international issues. 
See the Telecommunications Act of 1996  in the U.S...
Fascism in the U.S. & Europe is home-grown, not imported from lower-GDP Putin’s Russia or Orbán's-NATO-Hungary...;  but Thomas is frightened to recognize that Western social democracy has failed to rein in the oppressive forces of capitalism, which instead it fosters...          ◺
Political violence gaining steam in America...on BOTH sides of the aisle               ,10-22-23
Will the GOP cause WWIII? Not all of the drumbeats are coming from outside the building

✔  THC puts forth    ◺  :   0:08 – 0:19    “..basically 2 groups working really hard to devastate the United States’ gov’t..”
✔  OK, let’s pass on the super-wealthy for now (they always have), and move on to his second group…         ◺

2:00 – 7:50    “..on top of that you got Putin, and Xi, and MBS in Saudi Arabia… Hamas now.. interested in tearing down the United States..”
✔  Whew, THC can at times even give the likes of Sean Hannity a run for their money in neo-xeno-McCarthyite reactionism ! Insists in the fifth column  foreign influence. How much does AIPAC or Israeli lobbying is spent in U.S. politics Tomás? Not too long ago U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia and Turkey were, let’s say diplomatic, and I’d bet THC didn’t  fret or  J'Accuse...!  cuz both went along more or less with U.S. foreign policy… The argument can additionally be made that Europe’s military & economic security has been undermined by the U.S. negative influence over the old country, case in point war in Ukraine & cheap, reliable energy from Russia & chips from China, abandonment of  Iran nuclear deal framework (JCPOA) of 2015...         ◺
While at the same time provoking China - MEP Clare Daly            ,10-26-23
✔  So, by Thom Hartmann’s sequiturs in previous videos, then Dublin’s MEP Clare Daly is another one of Putin's sock puppets… A destabilizing force against empire!          ◺
Why the left supports Palestine | Victor Davis Hanson ✔  Behind all their bluster, U.S. conservatives (republicans) & liberals (democrats) are more alike than dissimilar...        ◺
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls AIPAC ‘racist and bigoted’
November 1, 2023

Ritchie Torres vs. the NYC DSA: Bronx congress member battles with leftists angry over his support of Israel
October 30, 2023
..Torres also slammed the New York City chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) the day after when the left-wing organization promoted a pro-Palestine rally in Midtown. ..
Ben Shapiro SLAMS Tucker Carlson over anti-war stance on Israel-Palestine, SIDING WITH THE LEFT

Tucker Carlson, Theo Von DESTROY America Second Speaker Mike Johnson over Israel aid gift
↓  Reportaje en el noticiero ruso, Vesti Nedeli, sobre eventos en Gaza, 11-11-23

Tulsi Gabbard: This should be disturbing to all Americans                ,11-15-23
Tulsi Gabbard recaps the historic pro-Israel rally in Washington, D.C. 
and discusses the anti-Israel sentiment from some members of her former party.

✔  “Hindutva”, ex-Democratic U.S. House of Rep. member, Tulsi Gabbard, like so many U.S. politicians, unsurprisingly flip-flops to the highest bidder (opportunists when not extremists). Poses as favourable to Russia.., but consistently anti-China, and anti-Muslim… If you wanna rattle her noodles, in a dichotomy  🤪 ,  ask her if she supported China then in “repressing” the Uyghur (Sunni Muslims) minority population in Xinjiang who engaged in terrorist activities (i.e. ETIM group backed by the West )…         ◺

0:41   “..standing up to antisemitism..”
1:55   “..the feeling in the air was one of hope, of love..and freedom..”
2:05   “..the contrast between that versus the violent mob of pro-Hamas protesters..”
3:27   “..there’s a group of people within Congress who are blatantly..Islamist terrorist apologists..”

✔  Hope and freedom that the Palestinians are denied by Western-backed Zionism for DECADES. The police & corporate media in the U.S. & Europe have rather acted to say the least, scornfully, towards peaceful pro-Palestine rallies (which includes many Jews attending & organizing). Most of the protests, absolute majority, worldwide, are pro-Palestine! Why? Because settler Israel has lost the facade, the moral high ground it never really had (public relations built). The violence & racism against Jews throughout history came at the hands of Christians, Europeans, not Muslims… Tulsi no doubt is in favour of a McCarthyite witch-hunt against Muslim members or supporters in Congress.
Why isn’t murderously suicidal ISIS / ISIL / Daesh / Qaeda / Takfiris  then rallying behind “their Palestinian brethren” and attacking Israel ? ...     💡        ◺
Mehdi Hasan on genocide in Gaza, the silencing of Palestinian voices in U.S. media & Trump's fascism

10:46 – 10:59   ✔  Ms. Goodman, in MSNBC and in CNN (even in Democracy Now!..) you also rarely see any Russian, Syrian, Iranian, Venezuelan, Cuban, North Korean, in extended discussions in behalf of their respected countries…       ◺

22:00 – 22:35  Arab and Muslim world’s response to Israel..
23:24 24:46  “..Hypocrisy of Saudi Arabia and UAE in their brutal assault on Yemen, and of course Iran who sets itself as a champion of the Palestinian people, when Bashar al-Assad was killing many of his own people, including Palestinian refugees, Iran and Russia were perfectly happy to arm and support Assad as he did that..” 
 Irán ofrece ayuda humanitaria a refugiados palestinos en Siria
Irán y Siria organizan actividades en apoyo a la causa Palestina en el Día Mundial del Al-Quds
Palestina y Siria conmemoran el Día Mundial de Al-Quds
Siria anunció nuevos ataques del régimen israelí a sus bases militares
 ✔  Pretty much I agree with Mehdi and the Democracy Now! hosts’ opinions, but not when it comes to Russia and Ukraine, Syria, Iran.. and the reason, as Mehdi himself mentions, is the importance of context 7:27 – 9:39, 29:20 – 30:35. The U.S. & European “left” if I may say, have a certain patronizing streak when it comes to naming who’s progressive or democratic. Most of the world’s population do not see Russia as the aggressor, but that Western “left” dismisses that… If the Ba'athist party would’ve been overthrown in Syria by the so-called Arab Spring revolutions, does Mehdi really think an Eden would've replaced it ? The so-called peaceful opposition are (were) nothing more than Salafi jihadists, yes sponsored by Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Turkey, and Israel. The predecessors to the ones backed by the U.S. against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Mehdi can’t seem to muster the courage or honesty to inquire or say publicly, why does Israel constantly attacks Syrian territory? Why doesn’t ISIS ever attack Israel and vice versa? If Mehdi rightfully condemns Israel for its barbarism, why is it so hard for him to connect that the Zionist regime fully backs Ukraine in its war against Donbass and Russia?… If Mehdi really believes Syria and Iran are equally hypocritical and criminal as Israel, then he presumably agrees 100% with Western sanctions against both countries! If the U.S. is on the wrong side of history when it comes to the Israeli & Palestinian question, what then makes Hasan believe the U.S. & Europe are 100% correct when it comes to Ukraine against Russia ? Or on the Venezuelan or Cuban issues? Anyways, that’s how I see the Western “democratic left” on foreign policy..., it is not fully consistent, it’s selective in the geopolitical puzzle. That lack of clarity negatively interferes in coalescing forces for broader political changes.        ◺

27:15 - 27:33  “..when Evan Gershkovich from the Wall Street Journal  is wrongly imprisoned in Russia, we all campaign for Evan to be released. When Ukrainian journalists are killed, we all speak out and are angry about it, but when Palestinian journalists are killed in a level we’ve never seen before..where is the outcry here in the West?..

✔  Again, just because Evan was arrested for spying in Russia, why does Mehdi must assume that he’s innocent ? He wouldn’t feel the same way if it was vice versa. Evan’s parents are Jewish immigrants who settled in the U.S. after leaving the Soviet Union via the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program in the 1970’s...  Mehdi Hasan certainly must be familiar with Operation Mockingbird.. and / or the movie “Argo” (2012)... "Funny" how Hasan and others of his profession in the West, in the same context don't denounce the U.S. government's persecution of publicist Julian Assange, nor the death & torture of U.S. citizen / journalist Gonzalo Lira in an Ukrainian dungeon !      ◺
Periodistas extranjeros ingresan a Kursk ilegalmente

Cuatro personas fueron declaradas culpables del atentado en el Crocus City Hall - Moscú
Leonard Lopate 4-19-24; Batya Ungar Sargon- class divide in the U.S., foreign policy
(1 hour podcast)

✔  I disagree on key issues with both.. I'll see if in social media as X (Twitter) I can reach either...      ◺  

 Op-Ed TV 8-29-23; rise of right-wing extremism

White House calls on Republicans to act on gun control after Fourth of July weekend killings – as it happened
5 Jul 2023

..Popular education should be the paramount care of the paternal love of Congress. Morals and enlightenment are the poles of a republic; morals and enlightenment are our prime necessities..” -  Simón Bolívar, address at Congress of Angostura, February 15th, 1819.  
"..La educación popular debe ser el cuidado primogénito del amor paternal del Congreso. Moral y luces son los polos de una República, moral y luces son nuestras primeras necesidades.." - Discurso de Simón Bolívar ante el Congreso de Angostura, 15 de febrero de 1819.
✔ Anteayer, 20-7-24, colgué el enlace siguiente en WhatsApp a un vídeo  ↓        ◺
¿Cómo se vive la islamofobia en Latinoamérica y España?

✔ El mismo día me responde un integrante del grupo llamado Pereyra diciendo así ↓     ◺
Porque las mujeres en los paises musulmanes las obligan a estar vestidas igual a 1400 años atrás?
Porque los musulmanes a los que no son de su religión les llaman infieles?
Porque en los paises musulmanes no tienen libertad de elegir a cualquier persona?
✔ Al día siguiente, 21-7-24, le respondo de la siguiente manera  ↓   
Bueno, l@s musulmanes defienden su cultura e historia mejor que yo podría hacerlo, pero haré unos apuntes. El hiyab, el nicab, el burka, vestimentas de mujeres, sus diseños o símbolos en este caso, no son universales para todos los países de mayoría musulmana, que no todos son árabes! El hiyab es usado por las mujeres en presencia de personas que no son de su familia inmediata. Se podría decir en términos occidentales que una mujer no se vestiría de la misma manera frente a su esposo que delante de su papá o hermanoEn el judaísmo (entre sectas), hay leyes y tradiciones de vestimentas para hombres y mujeres… Pues sí chicharronero, costumbres alimentarias y días religiosos donde no se trabaja... El Corán aconseja a que los hombres bajen su mirada hacia las mujeres que no sean de su familia.. pero en sí no tiene requisito que las mujeres se cubran el rostro con un velo o cubran sus cuerpos completos (Sura An-Núr 24:31)... El chador usado en Irán se generalizó como prenda común desde el siglo 18... En 1936 el monarca Reza Shah lo prohibió en su política forzosa por occidentalizar el país... ¿Cuántos casos de pedofilia no han ocultado las jerarquías eclesiásticas ? El cristianismo es la mayor religión en el mundo, el Islam segunda y avanza más.
Saltan varias preguntas y hay que reflexionar con honestidad, paciencia, voluntad. Occidente da lecciones pomposas de civilidad entre géneros, pero vemos que en la vida social deja mucho que desear : la disparidad en ingresos y oportunidades, los feminicidios, las violaciones sexuales, prostitución, en promedio desaparecen cada día 2,300 niños en U$A.. Un desastre político.

La tal “liberación de las mujeres” en Occidente (bikinis, cosméticos, “concursos de belleza”, “cirugías cosméticas”, etc) ha sido otro mecanismo de lucro o explotación, al promover complejos de inferioridad o superioridad. La mentalidad mercader y politiquera occidental padece bipolaridad, antes llamaban bárbaros a sociedades que usaban poca vestimenta, y luego tacharon a otras de reprimidas! Sin ni siquiera tomar en cuenta los climas distintos o el uso de la energíaVarios parlamentos europeos han aprobado leyes prohibiendo vestimentas musulmanas en espacios públicos! Entonces amig@s, ¿dónde queda relegada la libertad de credo tan ufanada por Occidente, y cuando ladraba en podio contra la “atea” URSS ? Hay que rescatar la memoria, la conciencia. En Irán, las mujeres superan a los hombres en matriculación a la universidad... Según la UNESCO, en 2020 solamente un 18% de las universidades públicas de América Latina tienen mujeres rectoras.. Según la Asociación Europea de Universidades, en 2020, solo el 15% de los rectores de las universidades miembros de 48 países eran mujeres, frente a un 85% de hombres.. Si el Islam es tan retrógrado en comparación a “la modernidad”, ¿cómo es entonces que prohibe la usura (la riba) ? Me imagino que aquí en el foro tod@s sabemos que en países musulmanes hubieron descubrimientos importantes en astronomía, la arquitectura, el álgebra, la cirugía, el café, etc. Cuando la Europa cristiana estaba sumida en el oscurantismo, paralelo a la Reconquista, en Ándalus-península ibérica, había una era dorada, varias creencias convivían. Incluso el árabe influyó mucho en el idioma español (arabismos), especialmente en el léxico.. En Malula (localidad en Damasco-Siria), aún se habla la lengua del tiempo de Cristo en Palestina, el arameo. Entre las dos últimas poblaciones que lo hablan.
Pereira, gallego, usted alega que en el mundo musulmán no tienen libertad de elegir a cualquier persona (claro claro, como en Occidente cualquier zapatero, campesino, fritero, puede hacerlo) ; pero si tomamos a Siria, Bashar Ásad, el presidente, es alauita. Los alauitas son una rama del chiismo, y en Siria componen el 12% de la población. Los cristianos representan el 10%.

La elite occidental lucha contra el Islam, o contra ciertos países de orientación antiimperialista / antisionista, no por un amor a la libertad o al progreso, sino utiliza tal dogma oportunista para desalentar poblaciones, dividir, y cambiar régimenes. Creó, financió, amamantó, grupos salafistas, yihadistas, al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc, contra Yugoslavia en los 1990’s, los Contras en Nicaragua en los 1980’s, etc. Hordas que han destruido patrimonios anteriores y posteriores al Islam, y en su MAYORÍA asesinado a otros musulmanes! Extraño eh, tan suicidas pero nunca atacan a Israel ni Israel a ellosLibia cuando Gadafi tenía el mayor estándar de vida en África.. pero le importó eso a la OTAN para invadirla y emplear mercenarios? En la Siria baazista, de rumbo socialista, panárabe, se pueden ver mujeres sin usar el hiyab, igual cuando Hussein en Irak, y no hay que ser genio para saber cuál postura tomó Occidente hacia ellos.. La hipocresía occidental no tiene fronteras, fíjense, apoyaba la dictadura del Shah Pahleví en Irán, la espantosa policía secreta (SAVAK), pero en tal tiempo supuestamente las mujeres eran libres… Le aseguro almirante Piri Reis 🗺️ , que los musulmanes no llaman infieles a quienes no lo son… Todo lo contrario, el Islam reconoce a otras religiones monoteístas.. El verso coránico (Sura At-Tawba 9:5) es tergiversado por intereses mezquinos, “maniqueos”, de la misma forma que ese cristianismo en otras épocas fue usado para avasallar otras civilizaciones. El adjetivo no es infiel sino idólatra. Sacado fuera de contexto cuando Mahoma y seguidores eran perseguidos y para evitar conflictos emigraron a Medina. La iglesia católica después del primer Concilio de Nicea, tachó otras sectas cristianas de herejías..

✔ Hasta hoy 22-7-24 no me ha respondido.       ◺
✔  El 24 de julio 2024 coloco el siguiente enlace en ese grupo de WhatsApp y con el comentario debajo  :     ◺

La "novedosa” campaña electoral de Venezuela
La Voz de América; perdón, de la CIA, creada el 1 de febrero 1942, comienza maltrecha : “..sin oposición..” O sea, la bachaquera maricori, perteneciente a una de las familias más ricas en Venezuela. Todo eso que ella alega 0:19 es lo que precisamente ell@s, de la oposición, ordenada por el amo del Norte, hicieron, y peor, con las guarimbas en Venezuela.  0:50 Inhabilitada por qué VOA? En otro país estuviera presa. 1:32 “..tú no tienes campaña donde no tienes acceso a medios..” Ahí el caso de RCTV, el canal golpista del 2002 y evasora de impuestos! 1:50 No señores del cuento, Maduro no miente, los monopolios mediáticos no son imparciales sobre Venezuela y tantos otros asuntos. Redes sociales frecuente han censurado mensajes del gobierno bolivariano y cerrado cuentas de quienes discrepan con esa línea oficial derechista. Basta con solo buscar en un motor de búsqueda para ver que los algoritmos favorecen resultados negativos al gobierno venezolano. Son sicarios de destrucción masiva. Llevan una avalancha preparando el terreno de descrédito porque saben su derrota electoral es asegurada el 28 de julio. Lloriquean dizque por un bloqueo a una docena de páginas web en   🇻🇪 . En otro vídeito de la VOA por ejemplo veía que dentro de  🇻🇪  bloqueaban acceso a y a ... Bueno, ayer y hoy decidí probar. Usé una red privada virtual (RPV o VPN) con localización en Venezuela... No tuve dificultad en ver tales pasquines. A estos compulsivos no se les puede creer ni la hora.

Al día siguiente me contesta el mismito Pereyra con    ◺    ↓
Si Venezuela esta en tan buenas condiciones porque razon hay tantos venezolanos en la RD?

✔  Ese mismo día, 25-7-24, entonces le contesto así :     ◺    ↓

Y habrá que ver qué clases de venezolanos, clases sociales eh. ¿Por qué tantos dominicanos en Puerto Rico, en U$A ? Que Dios no quiera, supieras las razones si alguna vez  🇺🇸   le impusiera un bloqueo a nuestra querida RD.

✔   Ah pero el señor viene con esta el mismo día    ◺     ↓

La clase que he visto estan taxiando en carros y motoconcho hombres y mujeres tambien en salones de belleza, camareras y camareros.
Parece que tu vives en un pais que no es RD.
Una pregunta
Si tanto odias a los Estados Unidos que haces viviendo en New York?

✔  Para acabar le dije :     ◺    ↓

Aunque sus inquisiciones suelen tener sesgo, trataré de ponerle luz.
A ver :
Le pregunté sobre la demografía venezolana porque hace meses hablaba con un taxista, dominicano, de Santiago de los Caballeros, creo que ha estado en EEUU desde inicio de los 2000s. Él le decía a otra persona que allá en RD se ven much@s venezolanos en los medios de comunicación y que antes eso no se veía… Pensé, que esos no son exactamente “proletarios”. Bueno, pa’ no entrar en detalles engorrosos, casual le dije que Maduro y el PSUV lideran las encuestas para ganar las elecciones el 28 de julio. No le dije que a pesar de la campaña informativa tendenciosa contra el proceso bolivariano, de la migración venezolana se han beneficidado varios países en la región. De su fuerza de trabajo, capitales / inversiones, y sin duda para distraer o culparlos de problemas sistémicos en esos países.
Escudriñe Pereyra, estos temas y otros, no se deje llevar solo por Radio Bemba.
Mire otro dato, Petrocaribe beneficiaba a países de la cuenca caribeña, y “sin embargo” EEUU lo torpedeó con sus medidas coercitivas unilaterales, lo mismo con su sabotaje al Nord Stream 1-2 en el mar Báltico…
Sigamos “Quijotes”. ¿Siente usted Dom Pérignon la gana, la xenofobia, el rencor, odio, hacia venezolanos en RD de la misma manera que contra haitianos francófonos? Hay “burgueses” haitianos con inversiones digamos en Punta Cana, etc. La mayoría de haitianos en RD, con papeles y sin, o nacidos en RD, pueda que ni apoyen lo poco que queda del gobierno haitiano.. A pesar de ello, ¿también les aconsejaría que se vayan ? En medios por dominicanos es frecuente oír de una invasión haitiana (lleva más de un siglo ya), su criminalidad rampante, madres pariendo en hospitales públicas, amontonando escuelas (¿será un pretexto pa’ privatizar ? ) ; pero que yo sepa ninguno encaja que sin embargo, la economía dominicana, o la macroeconomía, ha sido laudada de pujante, por varios años… ¿Cómo es posible si los haitianos son un lastre ? ¿Los apagones y falta de agua en RD es culpa de esa migración haitiana, o le conviene a importadores de plantas eléctricas y embotelladoras?
En 2003 el fraude y quiebra del banco Baninter, la del Banco Peravia en 2014 ¿quién fue? ¿Esos tricolores aman a su país, a la nación? A no ser que tantas tierras, fincas, zonas francas, el parque CODEVI, el Grupo M, polos turísticos, de construcción, entidades internacionales, se benefician de la inestabilidad en Haití... Cóntrale, ese vudú es fuerte mi hermano! ¿Quién le pone el cascabel al gato?
En el nativismo político de la gente MAGA (los de Trump), se oye la misma retórica sobre una invasión por la frontera (aunque sus antepasados también era inmigrantes o colonos) , pero sin embargo la economía creció pospandemia, un desempleo bajo en términos recientes, la inflación ha estado alta aunque bajó y no haya sido la mayor históricamente. No me place inmiscuirme en la política dominicana al no manejar de lleno su experiencia y anhelos. En conversación con dominicanos aquí en U$A, incluso de quienes albergan “críticas” más acérrimas hacia RD que las mías, y no solo del gobierno eh, les he dicho que hay que tomar en cuenta la dependencia, la carencia de soberanía, el entreguismo oligárquico, que la corrupción en RD ha sido auspiciada por esas clases y el tío $am.
Occidente no le ha perdonado a Haití que haya sido la primera y única nación de esclavos en liberarse. Tengo una hipótesis de que la ocupación haitiana en RD 1822 tuvo su devenir debido a la deuda onerosa impuesta por Francia a esa parte de la isla. Hoy la RD por sí sola claro no puede resolver esa disyuntiva, por lo tanto Francia, Canadá, U$A, deben desarrollar una clase de Plan Marshall. ¿Pero en verdad ese ideal práctico pesa más que digamos intereses crematísticos, de plusvalía ?
Teóricamente, si uno pudiera conversar con tod@s los venezolanos en RD u otro país, y ellos expusieran en contexto la realidad en Venezuela y su entorno, usted Pereyra los mandaría a empacar pa’ Venezuela si no concuerdan con su posición política ? Cientos de miles ya han regresado pero de ello no se oye en los medios libre$. A gran diferencia de dominicanos y otros emigrantes en U$A y otros países, sobre la emigración cubana y venezolana en particular, hay una industria del odio. ¿A qué me refiero ? ¿Exagero? En “redes sociales” hay influencers, en la TV noticieros y documentalistas que viven de esa industria. Es lo que esa directiva, financiada por el gobierno  🇺🇸  exige. Arremeten contra sus países natales, apuestan a que la situación no mejore, es su chanchullo, su botella, sin tener que trabajar! Tampoco tiene que contestar.
Digamos que usted esté en un cargo gubernamental, en U$A donde prefiere, ¿legislaría pa’ que expulsen del país, de las escuelas, de los trabajos, a quienes protestaron y protestan contra sus guerras y las de Israel ? ¿Se lanzaría espetándole al gringo de pura cepa, si hubiese sobrevivido, quien le disparó a Trump, a que se largue no sé a dónde ? Al taxista santiaguero le dije que U$A está dividido, y cada mitad cree o piensa que la otra no quiere lo mejor para “América”… No se debe confundir la crítica y praxis constructiva hacia un gobierno, estado, sistema, con un odio irreflexivo hacia la gente de a pie. En U$A hay una democracia fallida, hasta lo admiten muchos gringos de buena fe. Fíjense, la MAYORÍA de cubanos y otros en  🇺🇸  quieren un levantamiento del bloqueo, pero no ocurre.. decide la minoría gusanera / mafiosa… Una MAYORÍA en  🇺🇸   quiere una tasa tributaria más alta para los ricos, mas no ocurre.. Una MAYORÍA desea una cobertura médica pública y universal, tampoco pasa paisa.. Una MAYORÍA quiere mayores regulaciones sobre la obtención de armas, y de alto calibre, ¡qué va eso no deja dinero! Un montón de otras. Serán apátridas ingratos y malnacidos. No se hacen realidad debido a leyes cabilderas, procapitalistas, y con tentáculos internacionales, no solo regionales.
Tengan buen día tod@s.      🙏
2 Netflix shows that are highly praised by psychologists
June 5, 2024

Viktor Frankl on why idealists are real realists,6-07-72         ,01-03-17
Remembering Pablo Yoruba Guzmán, Young Lords co-founder, Afro-Latino leader, legendary journalist

✔  In a cold February 2003 saw Pablo at a anti-war protest, remembered him as a TV reporter. I didn’t tell him I knew who he was. I was with my then-girlfriend, and asked him where the protest began, which he pointed at and told us to be careful, something like that. She and me afterwards visited St. Patrick’s cathedral in the area, guarded outside by agents with assault rifles.. I looked at one of them and he nodded..         ◺
Jon Stewart on health care, pharma, and taxes.
August 29, 2023
Why record heat can be much deadlier in prisons
..  Corrections officials across most of the nation have not prepared for warmer summers and record heat waves.   ..     .. Many prisons turn to the lowest tech heat solution: ice. In Missouri, prisoners can get a pitcher of ice three times a day on hot days, but only “if they have the means to purchase the larger container from the commissary. Otherwise, they have a cup,” reports the Kansas City Star.   ..

Dr. Eliades Acosta 04-12-23, sobre el fascismo y la  currtura
Entre 40:40 – 48:07

Dr. Eliades Acosta 06-12-23; Leo Strauss y el  neoconservadurismo en EEUU.

Entre 41:32 – 50:28

Does the U.S. execute people with mental illness ? It's complicated

April 11, 2017

.. Insanity can shield you from being put on trial, found guilty or executed. But serious mental illness can’t. Dylann S. Roof, who killed nine African-American churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., in 2015, has been sentenced to death despite some evidence of mental illness.   ..      .. Yes. The Supreme Court has repeatedly declined to shield mentally ill people from the death penalty, saying only that people who are insane cannot be executed.   ..      .. Dylann S. Roof represented himself during the sentencing phase of his trial and refused to allow the jury to hear evidence of mental illness. He wrote in a journal that psychology was “a Jewish invention.” Court papers unsealed after the trial indicated that he had “social anxiety disorder, a mixed substance abuse disorder, a schizoid personality disorder, depression by history and a possible autistic spectrum disorder.”   ..     .. Mr. Dunham argues that if Mr. Roof had the delusional belief that mental illness did not exist, it was a mistake to deem him capable of making rational decisions on whether to present evidence of his condition, “because his views about mental illness were themselves a product of his mental illness.”

U.S. exonerations hit a record high in 2022
 ..  Today, a majority of Americans may not agree. In a series of recent surveys that polled more than 12,000 people, law professors Brandon Garrett and Gregory Mitchell found that more than 60% of Americans “consider false acquittals and false convictions to be equally bad outcomes,” and a “sizeable minority” viewed wrongful acquittals as worse than wrongful convictions. Mitchell and Garrett also found that in mock trials, those more concerned about wrongful acquittals than wrongful convictions were more than twice as likely to convict after viewing the same evidence.   ..  
Massive psychology study offers an unprecedented look into how personality and intelligence intertwine
  August 13, 2023
The magic of six degrees- researchers prove there are just six degrees of separation in a social network
August 20, 2023

Cognitive distancing appears to enhance decision-making performance, new study reveals
August 25, 2023
New study: everyday pleasures can boost cognitive performance
September 17, 2023
..That’s a finding of a new NYU Tandon School of Engineering study involving MINDWATCH, a groundbreaking brain-monitoring technology..
Want to effortlessly boost your memory, learning, and cognitive skills? Neuroscience says embrace these 5 simple habits
Aug 25, 2023
Reasons to consider morning sex
✔  Oh God another reminder.          ◺
But beautiful (2021)- Samara Joy

But beautiful (song)
One of five songs written by Burke and Van Heusen featured in the Paramount Pictures movie Road to Rio (1947), it was introduced by Bing Crosby[1] and is also associated with his leading lady Dorothy Lamour. The song was a hit in 1948 for Frank Sinatra (reaching the No.14 spot), Bing Crosby (#20), Margaret Whiting (#21) and Art Lund (#25).[2] ..

The hidden powers of everyday ritual
Dec 11, 2023
..  A “ritual” comes into being when ordinary behavior is repeated until it begins to harden into recognizable action patterns we call “routines.” Routines are efficient ways of getting jobs done by creating sets of automated, repeatable actions. Routines simplify our lives by offloading complex actions from working memory, so we do them without much cognitive effort. Our morning grooming routine gets us ready for the day. Our house-cleaning routines simplify keeping our living spaces in order by turning a series of actions into a semi-automatic action set. Routines are behavior on automatic pilot.   ..


Taxi (1978–1983 tv series), time, astrology, reggae, soul, post-disco, dance-pop, freestyle, house 🎶, macaroons

  Some keywords (search button → can also be used) :   time travel, infinite universe, antiuniverso, salón de espejos, Miguel...