Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Re; Tucker Carlson 4-06-20: How long will the lockdowns last? #coronavirus

Everything or everyone can have some grain of truth, but to separate the wheat from the chaff is the task at hand. All points should be heard, to a point...

Tucker shows some guy from the W.H.O. and makes it seem like he’s calling to remove family members by force.. That org doesn't have the power to do that. And actually he didn't say that, wish I could see the full statement. He pulls the same editing trick on what Mayor Garcetti is saying, as if saying neighbors should snitch on neighbors who go to work. Garcetti just said: “snitching on reoccurring violations, business violations”, not actually “for daring to go to work” as Tucker inserts. It rubs the wrong way when suddenly these market pundits care about the effects of unemployment during coronavirus, but not when purely economic forces sack people, or when analysts as he does, they blame it with “populist” demagoguery such as: “neoliberal or democratic outsourcing, globalist agendas”.. Alongside, they resist higher unemployment benefits or a higher minimum wage because it discourages self-initiative! Apparently he dismisses this chaos is happening during a GOP administration, just imagine the dog whistles if it happened during Obama or a Clinton... Professionals such as teachers have been furloughed, sanitation workers, auto workers gone on walkouts, demanding a different production model, safer conditions, hazard pay. Professionals as nurses and doctors are on the front line battling the epidemic, but Tucker sweeps all that under the rug. 

He throws in some data on the contagiousness of the virus, but does he get that from the China he disparages or the World Health Organization his president Trump threatened to cut the funds of? He doesn’t admit it, but the U.S., as other countries have, could learn a great deal on how to handle the pandemic from China! Corporate talking heads as Carlson pretend to speak on behalf of the “common man”, but really have a pseudo-populist, “common sense” approach, as opposed to liberals’ gender or identity politics.. Both use sophisms. Stock markets tumble, airlines’ profits taken a big hit. His bosses are concerned about not extracting profits from workers, thus he brings “questionable” studies / stats on the cost to the economy & mental well-being as being more lethal than the coronavirus. In plainer words, he’s full of it, a shill. Which doesn’t exclude others on the liberal side, but “his views” are the ones on the table now. He doesn’t blame Trump for the higher drug or opioid epidemic under him, or when “the Gipper” Reagan was in the White House.. There’s varying data out there showing the economy generally doing better under Democratic administrations, but there’s also other factors, heavier determinants. He doesn’t blame Trump for an increase in hate crimes or xenophobia, nor for mass shootouts. He tries to explain away the sexual harassment of immigrants in ICE or border patrol custody. Communicators as he don’t want strings to a $2 trillion plus bailout stimulus package (mainly for the big boys), but whenever universal health care or free university tuition is brought up, they sneer back with: how you gonna pay for it? Too much money socialist honey. In conclusion, things are not as simplistic or $en$ationalistic as he makes them out to be. The dude is a well-paid charlatan in blue-collar clothing.

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