Monday, October 12, 2020

Guía Tu Cuerpo 13-10-20; Premio Nobel de Química,Trump-COVID-tratamientos, 2 partes


Parte 1     10:03 mns

Premio Nobel de Química, Trump-COVID-Europa-América Latina


Parte 2     12:30 mns

Cuba-ozonoterapia, Honduras, China-vacuna, España-confinamiento

Material de origen:

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Detrás de la Razón 02-9-20; EEUU: Trump, más mano dura y violencia racial, debate con Lajos Szaszdi e Isaac Bigio.


Detrás de la Razón 02-9-20; EEUU: Trump, más mano dura y violencia racial



Buena también la conducción por @DannyPerezDiaz. @LajosSzaszdi es sin duda un analista capacitado, en especial en términos militares, pero a menudo ralla en el sensacionalismo furibundo en lo social, ya sea por convicción o por jugar al abogado del diablo. 8:16 → “..Antifa son terroristas..” Y fiel a su condition conservadora / puritana, en ello concuerda 100% con el fiscal “indeciso” conque votar 2X es ilegal, william p. barr. Va muy bien, excelente compañía! Pero es que la misma FBI no encuentra lazos traídos por el Dpt de Justicia sobre actos domésticos y Antifa, Herrin Lajos. Es otra cacería de brujas.. 9:30 → “..lamentablemente hay elementos que se aprovechan..” Así mismo, y ud. es uno. La mayoría de esos son criminales comunes, y milicias neo-nazis, simpatizantes del trompo. Bastante de ellas existen mucho antes de él, e.g. KKK, John Birch Society, etc. Es mas, reciente, un informe por el Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) y la Bridging Divides Initiative (BDI), revela que un 93% de las protestas antirracistas en U$A son pacíficas, pero la pren$a (igual a ud ≈ trumpistas) se enfoca más en las violentas, y consecuente las autoridades utilizan la fuerza desmedida, e.g. gas lacrimógeno, pimienta, balas de goma, etc. Incluso contra periodistas y abogados. Ud a lo mejor alegaría esas están financiadas por george soros y China (el archinémesis de Soros nada menos). Trump con su soflama intensifica la represión, y turbas que embisten con automóviles, mucho antes del linchamiento a George Floyd. En esto simpatizo con Isaac Bigio 12:25, 16:10. La quema y robo de propiedades pararían si las instituciones hicieran justicia. Los linchamientos a manos de la policía y hordas derechistas ocurren en U$A por siglos (The Red Summer de 1919, Tulsa race massacre 1921, Chinese massacre de 1871 en California, Ocoee massacre en 1920, etc). ¿Cuándo pararán? Parece que nunca o mutan

11:26 → “..los que usan el término fascista son siempre comunistas o anarquistas, son peores que los nazis!..” Vaya vaya. Mussolini en 1919 quizá primero nombró el término. J. Edgar Hoover de la FBI se lo aplicaba a la URSS, y así.. Usted se hace más loco de la cuenta al desconocer que la abrumadora mayoría de dichos actos en U$A, ya sean políticos, raciales, o en masa, son cometidos por derechistas. Le duele admitirlo o no? Pongáse una capucha y milite en uno, si es que ya no lo hace. Grupos como BLM y Antifa no son militantes comunistas, no son dirigidos por tal partido. 13:09 → “..le digo a Isaac que estudie la historia porque Stalin mató MILLONES..” 13:28 “..las democracias liberales como EEUU abortan MILLONES de bebés, son peores que los nazis..” Ya ven, el Nuevo Evangelio según San Lajos. ¿Quién sería el personaje más siniestro si cualquier libro se toma literalmente? Jehová de los Ejércitos aniquiló al mundo en un diluvio, anteriormente condenó a muerte eterna a la humanidad bajo el pretexto de “pecado original” de Adán y Eva…Si no hubiesen “desobedecido”, el Jesucristo bíblico no habría tenido razón de venir o ser crucificado

Occidente provocó una guerra civil en la URSS (1917-23). Tanto las muertes allí y con la 2 Guerra Mundial, los revisionistas se la culparían a la URSS, entre esos está el historiador Robert Conquest de Stanford University, cada año sus acólitos agrandaban las purgas y hambrunas, para ellos no habían criminales comunes. No concilian que en esos años, la población soviética y la esperanza de vida iba en aumento, la mortalidad infantil en descenso. En China pos-1949 por igual. Con la I y II Guerras Mundiales, la de Corea, Vietnam, ETC, tampoco responsabilizaría al capitalismo, a pesar de personalismos. Desde el año 2000 han muerto en el mundo alrededor de 300 millones de gentes debido a la desnutrición, falta de acceso al agua, falta de atención médica, sin incluir otras eh. ¿Tampoco debido al sacrosanto “mercado libre”? Ah, es el fantasma de Stalin, Lenin o de Marx recorriendo debe ser. Bajo solicitud y participación de la URSS, con vacunas se eliminó la viruela y el polio en el mundo, salvando MILLONES de vidas. Nada de ello se dice en los medios burgueses. Pongále ahí las del COVID-19 si quiere, pero no proponga como ha hecho eh que se debe a un regalito de arma biológica por el régimen norcoreano, se acuerda? Mejor metáse a escribir guiones para la serial Homeland. Sobre los abortos zas’, la MAYORÍA se hacen bajo supervisión médica, donde son legales. La MAYORÍA en EEUU está a favor de la decisión de la mujer. Ud. iguala un embrión a una persona, pero contéstese el por qué la gestación humana dura 9 meses y no tanto antes.. La MAYORÍA se hacen en el primer trimestre, estudios indican los embriones no sienten dolor antes de 29 a 30 semanas de desarrollo. Incluso, hay una “hipótesis”, la Donohue–Levitt hypothesis, indicando una reducción del crimen callejero tras la legalización del aborto en 1973 por la Corte Suprema en EEUU.. Pero claro Lajos, ud. comulga con Robert Dear, busque su facha en Internet (parece más a Moisés que Charlton Heston..). Mató a 3 personas (no fetos) e hirió a nueve en una clínica proveedora en Colorado en 2016. Fanáticos así sobran. En la Biblia no aparece oposición al aborto. En la Alemania nazi se penalizaba severamente el aborto, excepciones eran por motivos raciales..

15:30 → “..Biden y Trump son casi iguales.. y hasta ha hecho más guerras que Trump..” Isaac, es obvio, Biden ha tenido más años desempeñándose. Bajo Trump, han habido más ataques con drones que Obahma, estamos? En el frente represivo dentro del imperio, los republicanos culpan a gobernadores demócratas de tolerar o incitar la violencia y el crimen (sin aclarar que demócratas han aprobado aumentar presupuestos policiales.. y que en las urbes la población es mayor), y los demócratas de manera análoga culpan a republicanos o al Trump de incitar la violencia con su verborrea a favor del racismo y la violencia policial (a pesar que BLM y Occupy Wall Street empezaron cuando Obahma-Biden-Holder)... Ninguno va a las raíces, es decir la desigualdad inmensa entre clases, la cultura “americana” del Viejo Oeste de resolver usando violencia mediante armas, la cantidad de drogas legales e ilegales, la falta de atención médica y de educación, es decir la hegemonía del “mercado libre” o El Capital. 19:27 → “..esas protestas violentas jamás se permitirían en Irán, Rusia..” Primero, los crímenes-de-odio y tiroteos-en-masa han aumentado bajo Trump. Segundo, las protestas violentas en Irán, Rusia, China o Venezuela tienen otra índole, en particular apoyo exterior y carecen de legitimidad interna. En Irán 2017, extremistas takfiries atacaron el parlamento dejando varios muertos. En China y Rusia casos parecidos. En Venezuela policías heridos y muertos. En esos países no tienen apoyo popular, en cambio en U$A gustéle o no a ud. Szaszdi la mayoría de la población está a favor de BLM y otros 20:25. ¿Lo sabía o sigue haciéndose el loco monsieur? En Francia, la mayoría apoya a los “Chalecos Amarillos” y la represión estatal ha sido brutal. 23:53 → “ en Londres permitirían esas protestas!..” O sea, la policía gringa se pasa de buena eh. ¿Y por qué no ocurren en Londres (hasta ahora) papagayo? ¿Acaso no hay negros y musulmanes en Albión, o son más dóciles? Ud alega que los negros también son racistas, basándose en una anécdota personal, pero bajo ese mismo criterio entonces los negros también deber ser anti-negros al delinquir entre ellos mismos… 24:00 “..lo que Trump quiere es levantar la economía americana..” 😥 Y los demócratas claro son globalistas TPP, agentes chinos e iraníes… En sus propiedades, Trump apenas arrendaba a hispanos y negros. Hoy, el déficit de la balanza comercial de U$A es la mayor en 12 años…

¡Se soltó el loco carajo, cojánlo!

Friday, September 4, 2020

Dra. Maribel Santa Cruz 04-9-20; protestas comunistas ateos



Original de 55:14 minutos, pero cortado a 24:55.

Enlace de fuente: 

2:29 → “ atreven a decir que Cristo era socialista..” Revise Mateo 19: 23-24.. No mija, vendía curas así como ansina! 3:07 → “..el socialismo ha atacado a la religión..” Y las Santas Cruzadas mija qué fueron? 4:11 → “..Dios también castiga la pereza..” Algo de exégesis: Génesis 3: 14-24, Ezequiel 31: 16-18, Juan 12: 8, Efesios 6: 5-94:45 → “..para un creyente, todo viene de Dios..” Hasta los coronavirus y ateos? “..el socialismo necesita que la gente crea el Estado es todo..” Y a la inversa la creencia individualista / calvinista, se limpia las manos de responsabilidad ante la pobreza, el desempleo, sin-techos, enfermos, azotes de la naturaleza / contaminación, ETC, rezan Dios proveerá, 16:28. 5:39 → “..todo viene de Dios, pero en el socialismo la gente debe creer que todo viene del Estado..” Poniéndolo de esa manera, mira, en el capitalismo se fuerza a que todo venga de los mercados, controlados claro por empresarios, banqueros, terratenientes. "Gente débil, Estado protector, bla bla bla y má’ bla". 7:35 → “..un hombre sin familia también es presa fácil pa’ el socialismo / comunismo..7:50,7:55”  Wow, seguro bajo el conservadurismo sus padres fueron coaccionados a no abortar y puestos en adopción, el señor trabaja en formas misteriosas eh.. 8:05 → “..gente sola y abandonada será presa fácil para los socialistas..” Pero precisamente el cristianismo surgió entre los pobres del imperio romano, y luego en las colonias de Europa... Las creencias religiosas son más comunes en países con mayor pobreza (pero el imperialismo es aun más determinante).. Y de ello se aprovechan muchísimos estafadores, tele-predicadores suntuosos. Qué dices de eso Maribel Santa? 8:48 → “..para comunistas el dios es el Estado..” Otra equivocación, es la abolición del Estado, una utopía a llegar, deberías saberlo, y decirlo.

9:30 → “..restaurantes y licoreras..” Max P. J. 11:45 → “ usted me pregunta a mí, yo le hubiera buscado una solución, un dispositivo de ventilación que no sea caro..” 12:56 → “..votar por ateo o por cristiano..” Vaya maniqueísmo señora, Santiago 2: 14-20.  13:43 → “..mire los países comunistas, mire a Rusia..” ¡Pero Rusia no es comunista, ni socialista Che.. No importa! 1Corintios 2: 10-16.  14:15→ “..comunismo e’ palo’, policía’ y cárcel..” Oye, pero entonces es idéntico al trompismo con su “ley y orden” , ‘ooññoo  → 14:26, 14:46, 15:32.. Max P. J. 17:11 → “..el 90% de restauranes no tienen ventanas..”

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Re: Tucker; President Trump's hope for re-election

#Reelection #protests #mobs #statues

Take your swan song with goombay:

1) 0:53 → “..For years Trump warned about China..our main adversary..” Bolton’s book says trump asked Xi to help him win re-election by buying US produce (indulge 5:59).. If true, that’s how bodyguards flow, right Carlson 1:48?

2) 2:00 “ cartel..” And trump’s appointee betsy devos (Blackwater erik prince’s sis, Amway ex-CEO’s wife) + Obahma’s charter vouchers ain’t got NOTHIN’ to do with it. 2:20 → “..Under Trump..All Lives Matter, because they do.. God made us all..” Wow, deep dharma. As in the Declaration of Independence, “all men are created equal”, except in the three-fifths compromise of the Constitution. 2:45 → “..Trump didn’t some had hoped..” The broke renter croupier wanted to sic the National Guard and Army on protesters, but active and retired Pentagon brass were against it.

3) 3:34 “..If a Chinese Navy vessel sailed up the Potomac..” Hopefully to drain the swamp macomas. U.S. warships cruising the East & South China Seas though are indispensable, as is directing the looters, pardon, protesters, in Hong Kong. 3:50 → “..Democratic governors used the quarantines to punish those who didn’t vote for them..” This in psychology is called projection. Tucky shouldn’t use drugs, some at least, that’ll really send him off the deep end. Democratic governors obviously won a majority of votes in their states, so why in blazes would they punish also their own base with lockdowns? Lockdowns which most Americans support by the way, and financial relief for Main Street has been way insufficient of course. To boot, his commander-in-chief wants governors to be appreciative, or else federal aid be withheld to those who don’t toe his line.

4) 4:00 “..a health question, most Trump voters wanted to do the right thing..” Total alienation. Just the opposite, those mostly breaking social-distancing rules are trumpies. Many church attendees have come down with COVID. 4:15 → “..the few conservatives who tried to organize resistance were indicted..” You mean like the armed militias who stormed gov’t buildings in Michigan and elsewhere, yelling obscenities at police without masks, or those plowing vehicles & trucks at protesters, or the occupants of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in 2016, faced witch-hunts.. Yeah right, care to boogaloo?

5) 5:12 “..claimed that capitalism was the enemy.. digital giants funding the destruction of small businesses..” You do realize Mr. Carlson, the trump admin. & Congress funneled the bailouts without much accountability don’t you? Market economies do atomize individuals, while homogenizing wants weakening social cohesion 1:35, 4:10. No proof provided big biz also finances “mobs” in the U.S., but plenty of schemes with tax havens.. So, being that conspiracy-thinking has become so fashionable, do you believe Mr. Carlson that george soros, bill gates, also financed Occupy Wall Street back in September 2001 so as to destabilize the blasted Obahma/Biden neoliberal administration? Or that was just a dry run for when a GOP executive came up? Yah.

6) 5:30 “..the mob told us Christianity was racist, desecrated churches, but Antifa didn’t touch a single mosque..” Now sit there with a grin on your face and swear how such daily diatribe doesn’t lead to Islamophobic violence. Such hate crimes, in regards to religious bigotry, account for the most in the U.S.. The burning & bombing of Black churches for decades is just an attempt of Templar Kumbaya, mass shootouts in them and in synagogues hey just happened by righties. MK-Ultra CIA jim jones mass cyanide poisoning in Guyana only following on Mark 16: 15-20, placebo can only go so far. Tell your poor listeners the FBI hasn’t found any links between Antifa and violent protests 5:00, despite AG william barr insisting otherwise. On that point you’re working on an exclusive where the FBI is infiltrated by radicals wow, j. edgar hoover must be rolling in his grave.

7) 5:45 “..Dems continue their lectures on gun control..” Haven’t you said before, or was it Michael Savage of the Savage Nation, most Democrats in the 19th century were pro-slavery and opposed civil rights reforms after the Civil War? Ah, the good ol’ days, from 1828 to 1856 the Dems won all but two presidential elections, 1840 & 1848.. It is the oldest of the duopoly. A majority of Americans favor “gun control”. When Black Panthers carried guns, more conservatives supported gun control.. Adults with at least a 4-year college degree are more likely than those who haven’t completed college to support stricter laws..

8) 5:45 “Protests have targeted Trump’s voters” in BOLD lettering. Police pushing women and the elderly to the floor are just fake news huh? [see #4, #6 sections]. 6:17→ “.. a power grab by violent extremists..” Nothing like the insurrection of the Confederacy prior to the Civil War, nor the thousands of lynchings afterwards. France remained technically neutral in the Civil War, but like Great Britain it considered siding with the Confederacy.. The Union cut off the supply of cotton to France, causing what was known as the cotton famine (now how did the Statue of Liberty come about years later?..). Russia was the only country in Europe to offer assistance to the Union.. The Union looked for places to send freed slaves who no longer wished to stay in the U.S... Lincoln (of the Republican party then) believed Blacks should leave the US and settle in Africa or Central America... Two of his heroes, Henry Clay and Thomas Jefferson, also favored such colonization, and both were enslavers.. After his Emancipation Proclamation in 1862 (meant to draw slaves into Union lines), he never again publicly mentioned colonization. His proclamation didn’t apply to slave states like Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri, all of which were loyal to the Union.. In May 20th of the same year, Lincoln passed the first of the Homestead Acts. It depleted Native Americans of much of their lands and natural resources while allocating it to mostly white settlers, mining outfits, railroads...
Another determinant factor leading to the Civil War, more so according to revisionists, was the high tariffs on European manufactured goods at the time. Southern US states sold most of their cotton and tobacco to Europe. The Morrill Tariff of 1861 diminished the ability of Europeans to earn dollars by exports. With fewer dollars they purchased less agricultural goods from the South, with less demand prices plummeted. Most of the US tariffs on European imports were paid by the South in favor of the North’s infrastructure, so they claim. Prior to the civil war there was no US income tax. In 1860, approx. 95% of US gov’t revenue was raised by a tariff on imports.. This they cite as the primary reason for its secession and the civil war, not slavery which was already waning as an institution. In October 1861, Karl Marx disagreed and said the tariff was just a pretext: “..Morrill carried his protectionist tariff through Congress only in 1861, after the rebellion had already broken out..”

9) 9:30 Tucker’s intention here is to make the scene look like a gun shootout amid the complacency of the Blasio police... It backfires since if it were bullets flying, the squad car wouldn’t be just cruising by slowly, nor the passersby, some standing, some running in front of it. They are fireworks. Remember at the beginning of the protests, bus drivers in NYC refused to transfer protesters detained by the police.

10) 10:30 “..the President announced anyone who topples a statue on federal property will face 10 years in prison..” Give it to a conservative to consider a statue is worth more than the lynching of a human being. That is among other things the symbolic idolatry of objects, coming from a self-confessed Calvinist Christian.. (see 2:20 again).

11) 11:15 “..If the rioters were White supremacists they’ll already be in prison facing life..” Just what his wretched fan base wants to hear, repetitive inversion of reality, anastrophe ! Notice the fink didn’t say Haymarket rally or strikes (1886), KKK killing 3 civil rights activists (1964), Kent State students & National Guard (1970), Greensboro massacre (1979).. Face it man, you’re already conquered by Lefty radicals ☭☭☭, despite dissenting every night without censorship.

12) 11:21 “..Why isn’t the DOJ responding?..” Told you, infiltrated, conspiracy coming true, despite AG william barr challenging sovereign districts on prosecutions!! F#@k states’ rights anyway, right.. 11:45 “..lawyers aren’t wise..” According to, in 2010 Israel had the most lawyers per capita.. Lincoln was one..

13) 12:03 “..Albert Pike’s statue..” What does it say about a regime which eternalizes, eulogizes, romanticizes, slave-owners, bandits, invaders, but seldom credits real peacemakers (not superheroes!). Idealism in philosophical terms. Translates also in prioritizing a Pentagon budget, LARGEST by far in the world. Hollywood and Madison Avenue do their roles in idolizing the public mindset, and yet the global warming crisis is looming.. And still the Tuckerites express contempt at the thought of anthropogenic climate change!

14) 12:13 “..rounded up the leaders of Antifa..” Sure, let’s boogaloo again! Trump himself shared a letter in Twitter labeling all White House protesters as antipatriots (my euphemism), and even chastising “mad dog” jim mattis… (revert to #6) Appropriating 1967 Miami Police Chief walter headley jr.’s: “when the looting starts, the shooting starts”!

15) 12:55 “..This is Amerika, we believe in protests [never mind the repression towards Occupy Wall Street], but watch what happens when you start calling them for what they really are, terrorists.. even among Democratic voters..” Yahoo, reform again the House on Un-American Activities Committee! (preview 16:25) Take out once more the dogs and fire hoses as in the 1960s civil rights & antiwar movement! Oh wait, we got more effective tools now to squelch dissent. Bear if you will, the British empire referred to the American revolutionaries as traitors and deviants. Perhaps back then you would’ve been a Loyalist Tucker. Not accounting for agent provocateurs, of course there are protesters who are rude and not politically woke, but various polls show a majority of Americans support the protests and disapprove of trump’s handling.

16) 13:30 “..our system is weak, it refuses to defend itself..” Despite mass spying (internal & external), ballooned police budgets, worldwide military bases, monopolistic entertainment industries, reserve currency, et al. It’s imploding due to its long-trending contradictions, i.e. inequality, imperial hypocrisy & hubris, ripping international treaties, underusing its human resources in favor of capital, i.e more spent in jailing than schooling and still has higher street crime than others! ICE centers warehousing undocumented immigrants (right-wingers opposing lockdowns for COVID-19 don’t share the same “solidarity” for those in captivity..). Have you notice Tucker no other gov’t actively finances U.S. protests unlike what uncle $am brashly even boasts doing abroad? i.e. juan guaidó and cronies in Venezuela.

17) 14:05 “..the sad part is our system is worth saving, it administers justice more fairly than any system in the world, but we have to enforce the laws..” I heard of a place called Guantanamo Bay naval base where torture is practiced and speedy trials inexistent. Though from Carlson’s previous and future statements one would not get that impression precisely 11:15, 16:22. Rants on gov’t bureaucracies ticketing the life out of small mom & pop establishments (catering to nativism). Most of Scandinavia determines fines based on income. In many other countries taxes are way lower, ticketing much less, “Third World” countries mind you.

18) 14:59 “..defunding the police..” U.S. police budgets & agents even outnumber many foreign armies. It stands to reason with so many resources available, U.S. street crime would be the lowest of any. White-collar crime is in a different ballpark altogether. (rewind to #16)

Conclusion: In what world is this dude living in? Westworld? Whiteworld? Rightworld? Candace Owens right next door. 😊

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Re; Tucker Carlson 4-06-20: How long will the lockdowns last? #coronavirus

Everything or everyone can have some grain of truth, but to separate the wheat from the chaff is the task at hand. All points should be heard, to a point...

Tucker shows some guy from the W.H.O. and makes it seem like he’s calling to remove family members by force.. That org doesn't have the power to do that. And actually he didn't say that, wish I could see the full statement. He pulls the same editing trick on what Mayor Garcetti is saying, as if saying neighbors should snitch on neighbors who go to work. Garcetti just said: “snitching on reoccurring violations, business violations”, not actually “for daring to go to work” as Tucker inserts. It rubs the wrong way when suddenly these market pundits care about the effects of unemployment during coronavirus, but not when purely economic forces sack people, or when analysts as he does, they blame it with “populist” demagoguery such as: “neoliberal or democratic outsourcing, globalist agendas”.. Alongside, they resist higher unemployment benefits or a higher minimum wage because it discourages self-initiative! Apparently he dismisses this chaos is happening during a GOP administration, just imagine the dog whistles if it happened during Obama or a Clinton... Professionals such as teachers have been furloughed, sanitation workers, auto workers gone on walkouts, demanding a different production model, safer conditions, hazard pay. Professionals as nurses and doctors are on the front line battling the epidemic, but Tucker sweeps all that under the rug. 

He throws in some data on the contagiousness of the virus, but does he get that from the China he disparages or the World Health Organization his president Trump threatened to cut the funds of? He doesn’t admit it, but the U.S., as other countries have, could learn a great deal on how to handle the pandemic from China! Corporate talking heads as Carlson pretend to speak on behalf of the “common man”, but really have a pseudo-populist, “common sense” approach, as opposed to liberals’ gender or identity politics.. Both use sophisms. Stock markets tumble, airlines’ profits taken a big hit. His bosses are concerned about not extracting profits from workers, thus he brings “questionable” studies / stats on the cost to the economy & mental well-being as being more lethal than the coronavirus. In plainer words, he’s full of it, a shill. Which doesn’t exclude others on the liberal side, but “his views” are the ones on the table now. He doesn’t blame Trump for the higher drug or opioid epidemic under him, or when “the Gipper” Reagan was in the White House.. There’s varying data out there showing the economy generally doing better under Democratic administrations, but there’s also other factors, heavier determinants. He doesn’t blame Trump for an increase in hate crimes or xenophobia, nor for mass shootouts. He tries to explain away the sexual harassment of immigrants in ICE or border patrol custody. Communicators as he don’t want strings to a $2 trillion plus bailout stimulus package (mainly for the big boys), but whenever universal health care or free university tuition is brought up, they sneer back with: how you gonna pay for it? Too much money socialist honey. In conclusion, things are not as simplistic or $en$ationalistic as he makes them out to be. The dude is a well-paid charlatan in blue-collar clothing.

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