Thursday, August 20, 2015

Grecia-UE, devaluación de monedas

Rescate finan. a Grecia debilita a izquie. en Europa,20-8-15

Vidal- Tsipras tensó el acuerdo con la UE hasta el final

¿Quién es el mayor ganador con la crisis en Grecia,20-8-15

Devaluación del peso mexicano frente al dólar es dramática,13-3-15

El efecto del valor dolar en las remesas,20-8-15Uv

Caída del peso colombiano frente al dólar podría romper récord de 2003, 11-8-15

Colombia- devaluación del peso tiene que ver con la crisis mundial,13-8-15

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Embajada de EU en Habana

Taladrid- EU por fin ha recon. que en Cuba existe un gob.,14-8-15

Opiniones encontradas sobre EU en Cuba,14-8-15Uv

Noel; Fidel Castro, predicciones admirables

Cubanos opinan sobre reapertura de la Embajada de EU

Por qué el bloqueo de EU a Cuba debe cesar

Yepe; los días de EU como superhéroe acabaron

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Alibaba,ICANN,stock options,prisons,ISIL-oil,China's auto sector

Alibaba's fall from Wall St's graces,8-12-15

Internet management to pass to private hands,8-11-15

US prosecutors charge 32 in stock options scheme

Mass imprisonment policy in US begets more crime- Study,Obama

Netflix, Microsoft's new parental leave policies create stir,8-10-15

US crude oil drops drastically,8-12-15

ISIL's independence on oil revenue

Joel Backaler on China's auto sector

Monday, August 10, 2015

Librodoscaras, Puerto Rico

Facebook permitirá a bancos negar préstamos a usuarios con amigos pobres

Tras la quiebra de Puerto Rico estaría el desmante. econ.,07-8-15

PR, 90p de alimentos son importados,08-8-15

PR, 1 de septiembre, próximo vencimiento de pago,10-8-15

PR, habitantes de La Perla enfrentan crisis con solidaridad

Infraganti 42; Puerto Rico,en las garras del imperio,10-8-15

Infraganti 43; Puerto Rico,en las garras del imperio,12-8-15

PR obtiene 400 mdd que le darán liquidez hasta noviembre


Friday, August 7, 2015

dinesh d'souza DESTROYS Leftist college student (supposedly)

First, the vid's title seems misplaced with the outcome. Besides, the student made a good comeback at 13:00 onwards, and it shows with the applause.
My take is as follows:  Dinesh d'souza comes from the notion against multiculturalism, or that not all cultures are created equal in value. Let's suppose that's true. Who's in the position to judge and execute? Not a peep from him here on Uncle $am's support for bin laden against the Soviets...or currently of İṠIS.. Long history of supporting despotic regimes.

hillary- we created al-kay

Danish, hem dinesh, would no doubt justify England's multiple slaughters in the Indian subcontinent, the Kenyan camps, the Bengal Famine, Irish Famine... All for the sake of mercantilism, or the "White man's burden" as rudyard kipling phrased it.

How Britain denies its Holocausts

The vast difference between India and China is that China had a socialist revolution in 1949! He omits that Iraq was perhaps the most western-like country in the Arab world before the U.S. bombed/invaded. He subscribes to a postmodernist belief of samuel huntington's "Clash of Civilizations", or fukuyama's end of history after the Cold War. Both basically stating that cultural and religious identities are the dominant forms of conflict in international relations. If that is so, just to take some samples, why then both world wars in Europe and the crisis in Ukraine? The narco wars in Mexico.. Oh, because resources and markets, geopolitics, are the 800 pound gorilla in the room. Souza obscures this, mystifies it under a blanket of Darwinian personal attributes and duties. Or to take another sample against so-called Muslim rage, Jewish and Muslim relations before the foundation of Israel were harmonious as opposed to Jews in Europe. You can tell his disdain for history when he dismisses present advantages due to past privileges and to boot paints a ridiculous way to solve it. He equalizes the level of mayhem by European colonialism with that of American Indian tribes! The former made it into a highly lucrative business people, genocide. But far too many want to take that as a racist insult! It happened as Marx wrote, due to a level of material development in the West, the means to primitive accumulation of capital. For example, Columbus discovered or re-discovered The Americas, because his backers thought they might find a shortcut to the East Indies whose routes were controlled by Muslim traders. What's wrong with just reparations to Blacks and others? Conservatives all the time talk about paying for everything, that nothing is free. Well, it's easy to patronize others. If you don't recognize the past, you'll keep justifying & protecting your privileges. How can one catch up if there isn't a level playing field based on merits? Just compare why a george w. bush was president... Regardless if he denies it, apologists such as this do suffer from defense mechanisms, cognitive dissonance, projection, in downgrading others and blaming them for not being sadists. Like the student said: Affirmative Action for Whites after WW2 is a checkable fact. Many White women for instance benefited after the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Johnson's "War on Poverty" though significant didn't get at root causes. Samples of ill-gotten gains amounted during slavery (slavemasters were compensated after the Civil War..), the Homestead Acts, sharecropping, war on Mexico 1846, and on & on. More sophisticated methods of appropriation are added now: financial, banking, housing, redlining, land grabbing, scientific, penitentiary, military... So what is this souzzza rambling about?! There isn't racist police profiling? Well, another dandy of a candidate, dr. ben carson, would even deny that. His overall remedy would be Health Savings Accounts! LOL.

Health care experts rip ben carson's 'near worthless' health care plan

Danish, pardon dinesh, many have sacrificed wealth & careers for more altruistic goals, and look at what happened to them and families (i.e. W.E.B. Du Bois, Medgar Evers, Malcolm X, Martin Luther KIng, etc). The world is better because of them, in some ways, yet during their times mainstream vilified them. Beneficiaries and hacks of the status quo as yourself d.s.! When it comes to higher education what's necessary is not a personal approach as you sanctimoniously preach, rather a collective one as open admissions, remedial courses come anyways. Wait ye say! nothing comes for free everything has a price, besides there's always community 2 year colleges, scholarships, and the like. Yeah, ahem, and pre-college is not mainly funded in the U.S. by local/property taxes huh knave. And while you are at it, you can also make universities with large endowment funds pay taxes which they CURRENTLY ARE EXEMPT. Despite that student's bracket, you can't compare him, a sole individual, to a system which favors the tiny 1% caste! If retribution is meaningless, chaotic, impractical, why even have prisons and courts to punish wrongdoers?! Precisely, because those are more hostile towards the common dude. Capitalism, its State, does in deed protect private property, invisible fences. Another glaring hypocrisy is that this opportunist wouldn't dare rattle Ivy League institutions or other exclusive spots. He advocates instead to relish in one's narcissism cuz "everyone does" and f**k the poor! Shiftless and unmotivated weak scoundrels. The same reactionaries who spout vile on who's lazy and irresponsible, then shift blame on immigrants taking jobs away... Amazing conjuring! True demagoguery. Society is a powerful incentive and mirror on individuals and families. The peer pressure, publicity, expectations, demands or else, otherwise we could just by ourselves make it in the Arctic someplace!

George Bernard Shaw on Man and Superman (1903) "Maxims for Revolutionists": 
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.  

Jiddu Krishnamurti-  It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society

Why even bother voting if he (souza) is cynical of wide participation? Who and why does a tiny minority sit on top of key institutions free from public accountability? Doesn't an honest, healthy person just want to see a world minimal of violence in its forms, where people value + important things than money? Can't recall dinesh denouncing the personal responsibility of financiers for the CRASH symptom of 2007-08.. Never heard him recognize that most in poor neighborhoods are law-abiding, despite odds. Yet like funnyman bill cosby & others, he then reels against, generalizes on a few bad apples.. But what can you really expect from this baad boy 'Abbott?

dinesh d’souza’s life after conviction

¿Does appearance change how people are treated

How conservatives and libertarians oppose human rights

5 reasons being rich can make you a bad person

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